XVII Governing Council Meeting 2012 Halmstad, Sweden
10 - 13 May 2012
Time Schedule | Agenda | Minutes | Documents | Photos
Report President Håkan Nystrand (Adobe pdf)
Report Vice President Michael Diemer (Adobe pdf)
Report Vice President Piotr Grygier (Adobe pdf)
Report Vice President Hervé Némoz-Rajot (Adobe pdf)
Report Secretary Thomas Baschny (Adobe pdf)
Report Assistant Secretary Anna Petrakieva (Adobe pdf)
Auditors report 2011 (Auditors) (Adobe pdf)
Treasurer’s economic report (Adobe pdf)
UEF Homepage matters (Vice president and Assistant Secret... (Adobe pdf)
Urban Forestry (Adobe pdf)
Archive List:
- XXVI UEF Governing Council Meeting, Luxembourg
- XXV UEF Governing Council Meeting, Färna, Sweden
- XXIV UEF Governing Council Meeting 2022 Finland
- XXIII UEF Governing Council Meeting 2020 Puszczykowo, Poland
- XXII UEF Governing Council Meeting 2019 Maienfeld, Switzerland
- XXI UEF Governing Council Meeting 2018 Cosenza, Italy
- XX UEF Governing Council Meeting 2016, Nødebo, Denmark
- XIX Governing Council Meeting 2015 Ustroń-Jaszowiec, Poland
- XVIII Governing Council Meeting 2014 Nessebar, Bulgaria
- XVI Governing Council Meeting 2011 Lemesos, Cyprus
- XV Governing Council Meeting 2010 Annecy, France
- XIV Governing Council Meeting 2008 Gmunden, Austria
- XIII Governing Council Meeting 2007 Herning Denmark
- XII Governing Council Meeting 2006 Sofia, Bulgaria
- XI Governing Council Meeting 2004 Hyvinkää, Finland
- X Governing Council Meeting 2003 Larnaka, Cyprus
- IX Governing Council Meeting 2002 Poznan, Poland
- VIII Governing Council Meeting 2000 Barcelona, Spain
- VII Governing Council Meeting 1999 Nûrnberg, Germany
- VI Governing Council Meeting 1997 Poiana Brasov, Romania
- V Governing Council Meeting 1996 Shrewsbury, England UK
- IV Governing Council Meeting 1994 Grenoble, France
- III Governing Council Meeting 1992. Thüringen, Germany
- II Governing Council Meeting 1990 Renesse, Holland and Bruxelles, Belgium
- I Governing Council Meeting 1987 La Converserie, Belgium