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List of present UEF member organizations:

Click the flag or the name of organization to get an actual information about the organization or click the globe to go to the website of the organization.

MembersWeb site
Shoqata Shqiptare e Specialisteve te Pyjeve Shoqata Shqiptare e Specialisteve te Pyjeve
 Organization Details:
 Established: N/A
 Number of members: 70
 Kole Malaj 
 Contact Info:
 Address: Tirana Albania
 Phone: +355
 Email: kmalaj[a t)­ *replace 'at' and brackets with '@'
 Web site:
Verband Österreichischer Förster und Försterinnen Verband Österreichischer Förster und Försterinnen
Web site of Verband Österreichischer Förster und Försterinnen
 Organization Details:
 Established: 1955
 Number of members: 450
 Thomas Baschny 
 Contact Info:
 Address: c/o Thomas Baschny, Schulgasse 22, A-7063 Oggau
 Phone: +43 6646 112 808
 Fax: (+43) 1 71100 7399
 Email: thomas.baschny[a t) *replace 'at' and brackets with '@'
 Web site:
 Position in UEF: Secretary
 Resposibilities in UEF: UNECE-FAO-FCN, Secretary tasks
Association des Ingénieurs des Eaux et Forêts et Universitaires de la Division de la Nature et des Forêts Association des Ingénieurs des Eaux et Forêts et Universitaires de la Division de la Nature et des Forêts
Web site of Association des Ingénieurs des Eaux et Forêts et Universitaires de la Division de la Nature et des Forêts
 Organization Details:
 Established: N/A
 Number of members: N/A
 Christian Laurent 
 Contact Info:
 Email: C.Laurent[a t)­ *replace 'at' and brackets with '@'
 Web site:
Union of Bulgarian Foresters Union of Bulgarian Foresters
Web site of Union of Bulgarian Foresters
 Organization Details:
 Established: 1909
 Number of members: 500
 Prof. Ivan Paligorov 
 Contact Info:
 Address: 17 Antim I Str., 1303 Sofia, Bulgaria
 Phone: +359 2988 8642
 Fax: (+359) 2988 0415
 Email: ipaligorov[a t) *replace 'at' and brackets with '@'
 Web site:
Union of Independent Bulgarian Professional Foresters Union of Independent Bulgarian Professional Foresters
Web site of Union of Independent Bulgarian Professional Foresters
 Organization Details:
 Established: 2000
 Number of members: 151
 Antony Stefanov 
 Contact Info:
 Address: 76-A Sredna gora str., 1303-BG, Sofia, Bulgaria
 Phone: +359 2986 7002
 Fax: (+359) 2986 6781
 Email: office[a t) *replace 'at' and brackets with '@'
 Web site:
Hrvatski Sindikat Sumarstva Hrvatski Sindikat Sumarstva
Web site of Hrvatski Sindikat Sumarstva
 Organization Details:
 Established: N/A
 Number of members: 8000
 Željko Kalauz  
 Contact Info:
 Phone: +38514 65 50 16
 Fax: (+385) 98 35 17 00
 Web site:
Cyprus Foresters Association Cyprus Foresters Association
Web site of Cyprus Foresters Association
 Organization Details:
 Established: 1992
 Number of members: 211
 Marios Christodoulou 
 Contact Info:
 Address: P.O. BOX 20708, 1662 Nicosia - CYPRUS
 Phone: +357 99619036
 Fax: (+357) 22923222
 Email: diofanto[a t) *replace 'at' and brackets with '@'
 Web site:
Cyprus Association of Professional Foresters Cyprus Association of Professional Foresters
Web site of Cyprus Association of Professional Foresters
 Organization Details:
 Established: 1989
 Number of members: 60
 Nicolas-George Eliades 
 Contact Info:
 Address: Cyprus Association of Professional Foresters, P.O. BOX 24258, 1703, Nicosia
 Phone: +357 22459003
 Fax: (+357) 22303830
 Email: info.capf[a t) *replace 'at' and brackets with '@'
 Web site:
Ceska lesnicka společnost Czech Forestry Society CFS Ceska lesnicka společnost Czech Forestry Society CFS
Czech Republic
Web site of Ceska lesnicka společnost Czech Forestry Society CFS
 Organization Details:
 Established: 1990
 Number of members: 1300
 Martin Polívka 
 Contact Info:
 Address: Novotneho Lavka 5, 116 68 Praha 1, Czech Republic
 Phone: +420 723 399 475
 Fax: (+420) 222 222 155
 Email: tajemnik[a t) *replace 'at' and brackets with '@'
 Web site:
Danske Forstkandidaters Forening – network in JA Danske Forstkandidaters Forening – network in JA
Web site of Danske Forstkandidaters Forening – network in JA
 Organization Details:
 Established: 1897
 Number of members: 562
 Christina Kjærby 
 Contact Info:
 Address: Peter Bangs Vej 30, DK 2000 Frederiksberg, Denmark
 Phone: +45 33 21 28 00
 Fax: (+45) 38 71 03 22
 Email: post[a t) *replace 'at' and brackets with '@'
 Web site:
Foreningen af Danske Skov- og Landskabsingeniører og Have- og Parkingeniører Foreningen af Danske Skov- og Landskabsingeniører og Have- og Parkingeniører
Web site of Foreningen af Danske Skov- og Landskabsingeniører og Have- og Parkingeniører
 Organization Details:
 Established: 1912
 Number of members: 921
 Henrik Steffensen Bach 
 Contact Info:
 Address: Emdrupvej 28A, DK-2100 København Ø
 Phone: +45 33 23 00 45
 Fax: (+45) 38 71 03 22
 Email: dsl[a t) *replace 'at' and brackets with '@'
 Web site:
METO - Metsäalan Asiantuntijat ry METO - Metsäalan Asiantuntijat ry
Web site of METO - Metsäalan Asiantuntijat ry
 Organization Details:
 Established: 1906
 Number of members: 8400
 Stefan Borgman 
 Contact Info:
 Address: METO - Metsäalan Asiantuntijat ry, Mikonkatu 8 A,5.krs, FIN - 00100 Helsinki
 Phone: +358 40 1588815
 Email: stefan.borgman[a t) *replace 'at' and brackets with '@'
 Web site:
Loimu ry - Finnish Union of Professionals in Natural, Environmental and Forestry Sciences Loimu ry - Finnish Union of Professionals in Natural, Environmental and Forestry Sciences
Web site of Loimu ry - Finnish Union of Professionals in Natural, Environmental and Forestry Sciences
 Organization Details:
 Established: 1927
 Number of members: 2500
 Jukka Sippola 
 Contact Info:
 Address: Loimu, Mikonkatu 8 A, 8. krs, 00100 Helsinki
 Phone: +358 09 62268 541
 Email: jukka.sippola[a t) *replace 'at' and brackets with '@'
 Web site:
Professional Union of French Chartered Foresters Professional Union of French Chartered Foresters
Web site of Professional Union of French Chartered Foresters
 Organization Details:
 Established: N/A
 Number of members: 210
 Sebastien CHATON 
 Contact Info:
 Email: compagnie[a t) *replace 'at' and brackets with '@'
 Web site:
Environnement Forêt et Agriculture- Confédération Générale des Cadres Environnement Forêt et Agriculture- Confédération Générale des Cadres
Web site of Environnement Forêt et Agriculture- Confédération Générale des Cadres
 Organization Details:
 Established: 1824-1990
 Number of members: 500
 Valérie Boye 
 Contact Info:
 Address: Epinal
 Email: valerie.boye[a t) *replace 'at' and brackets with '@'
 Web site:
Bund Deutscher Forstleute Bund Deutscher Forstleute
Web site of Bund Deutscher Forstleute
 Organization Details:
 Established: 1949
 Number of members: 9000
 Ulrich Dohle 
 Contact Info:
 Address: Friedrichstrasse 169
 Phone: +49 3065 700 102
 Fax: +49 30 65 700 104
 Email: info[a t) *replace 'at' and brackets with '@'
 Web site:
Society of Irish Foresters Society of Irish Foresters
Web site of Society of Irish Foresters
 Organization Details:
 Established: 1942
 Number of members: 650
 Pacelli Breathnach 
 Contact Info:
 Address: c/o Enterprise Center, Ballintogher Co. Sligo Ireland
 Phone: (+353) 71 9164434
 Fax: (+353) 71 9134904
 Email: sif[a t) *replace 'at' and brackets with '@'
 Web site:
Consiglio Dell Ordine Nazionale dei Dottori Agronomi e dei Dottori Forestali Consiglio Dell Ordine Nazionale dei Dottori Agronomi e dei Dottori Forestali
Web site of Consiglio Dell Ordine Nazionale dei Dottori Agronomi e dei Dottori Forestali
 Organization Details:
 Established: 1924
 Number of members: 3250
 Dr Mauro Uniformi 
 Contact Info:
 Address: Via Po 22, 00198 ROMA
 Phone: +39 6-8540174
 Email: presidente[a t) *replace 'at' and brackets with '@'
 Web site:
Liechtensteiner Forstverein (Sektion Förster) Liechtensteiner Forstverein (Sektion Förster)
Web site of Liechtensteiner Forstverein (Sektion Förster)
 Organization Details:
 Established: 1971
 Number of members: 15
 Peter Jaeger 
 Contact Info:
 Address: Amt für Wald, Natur und Landschaft, Hermann Schmuck, Dr.Grass-Strasse 12, LI - 9490 Vaduz
 Phone: (+423) 236 64 19
 Fax: (+423) 236 64 11
 Email: hermann.schmuck[a t) *replace 'at' and brackets with '@'
 Web site:
Association des Forestiers Luxembourgeois Association des Forestiers Luxembourgeois
Web site of Association des Forestiers Luxembourgeois
 Organization Details:
 Established: 1975
 Number of members: 85
 Serge HERMES 
 Contact Info:
 Address: Burfelt 1, L-9660 INSENBORN
 Phone: +352 621 202 124
 Email: info[a t) *replace 'at' and brackets with '@'
 Web site:
Federatiei Sindicatelor din Silvicultura Sindsilva din republica Moldova Federatiei Sindicatelor din Silvicultura Sindsilva din republica Moldova
Web site of Federatiei Sindicatelor din Silvicultura Sindsilva din republica Moldova
 Organization Details:
 Established: N/A
 Number of members: 250
 Fiodor Botnari 
 Contact Info:
 Address: Str. 31 August 1989 N° 129MD 2012, ChisinauRepublica Moldova
 Phone: +373 22 274736
 Fax: (+373) 22 277941
 Email: sindsilvamd[a t) *replace 'at' and brackets with '@'
 Web site:
Stowarzyszenie Inzynierow i Technikow Lesnictwa i Drzewnictwa Stowarzyszenie Inzynierow i Technikow Lesnictwa i Drzewnictwa
Web site of Stowarzyszenie Inzynierow i Technikow Lesnictwa i Drzewnictwa
 Organization Details:
 Established: 1951
 Number of members: 8610
 Dr Andrzej Kundzewicz  
 Contact Info:
 Address: SITLiD, Czackiego 3/5, PL 00-043 Warszawa
 Phone: +48 22 826 74 58
 Fax: (+48) 22 826 74 58
 Email: Piotr.Paschalis[a t) *replace 'at' and brackets with '@'
 Web site:
Asociación de Forestales de España Asociación de Forestales de España
Web site of Asociación de Forestales de España
 Organization Details:
 Established: 1997
 Number of members: 550
 Elias Bayarri 
 Contact Info:
 Address: E.U.I.T Forestal, Avda. Ramiro de Maeztu s/n., E-28040 Madrid
 Phone: +34 983362847
 Fax: (+34) 98 336 28 48
 Email: profor[a t) *replace 'at' and brackets with '@'
 Web site:
Sveriges Skogstjänstmannaförening Sveriges Skogstjänstmannaförening
Web site of Sveriges Skogstjänstmannaförening
 Organization Details:
 Established: 1889
 Number of members: 941
 Thomas Esbjörnsson 
 Contact Info:
 Address: Vintergatan 4D, S-891 36 Örnsköldsvik
 Phone: +46 70 550 8235
 Email: thomas.esbjornsson[a t) *replace 'at' and brackets with '@'
 Web site:
Schweizerischer Ingenieur- und Architekten-Verein - Fachverein Wald Schweizerischer Ingenieur- und Architekten-Verein - Fachverein Wald
Web site of Schweizerischer Ingenieur- und Architekten-Verein - Fachverein Wald
 Organization Details:
 Established: 1837
 Number of members: 200
 Managing Committee
 Beate Hasspacher 
 Contact Info:
 Address: FVW SekretariatEcoEng SAPlace de la Gare 42900 Porrentruy
 Phone: +41 44 632 31 99
 Email: mohammed.ibrahim[a t) *replace 'at' and brackets with '@'
 Web site:
 Position in UEF: Auditor
 Resposibilities in UEF: Certify the UEF accounts
Orman Mühendisleri Odasi -  Chamber of forest engineers Orman Mühendisleri Odasi - Chamber of forest engineers
Web site of Orman Mühendisleri Odasi -  Chamber of forest engineers
 Organization Details:
 Established: 1954
 Number of members: 300
 Hassan Türkyilmaz 
 Contact Info:
 Address: Beştepeler Mah. 31.Sk. No:3 Beştepe Yenimahalle ANKARA
 Email: ormuh[a t) *replace 'at' and brackets with '@'
 Web site: