From this page you can download issues like UEF statements, UEF brochures, UEF constitution, Newsletters from the Presidency and other things, which might help you assisting UEF in being an important player on the international scene.
- Official documents
Gender Equality Plan (Adobe pdf)
EU Nature Restoration Law must promote credible measures that will ... (Adobe pdf)
Joint letter on the future of the dialogue with the forest sector.pdf (Adobe pdf)
Sustainable Forest Management: Keeping the potential of forest biod... (Adobe pdf)
Joint Press Release (Adobe pdf)
European Forest Managers welcome the strong New EU Forest Strategy ... (Adobe pdf)
UEF position paper about the New EU forest strategy (unknown file)
UEF position paper about the New EU forest strategy (unknown file)
May 2020 Joint statement on European Biodiversity Strategy 2030 (Adobe pdf)
Joint statement prior to the publication of the mid-term review of ... (Adobe pdf)
COP24 Katowice common statement December 2018 (Adobe pdf)
LULUCF: Appeal from the forestry and agricultural sectors, includin... (Adobe pdf)
Position paper on the UE proposal about energy from renewable sources (Adobe pdf)
Joint Press Release for the International Day of Forests 2015 (Adobe pdf)
Joint letter on Legaly Binding agreement (LBA) on Forests in Europe (Adobe pdf)
Contribution to the Stocktaking Exercise - September 2011 (Adobe pdf)
Joint paper on CAP development (Adobe pdf)
Statement regarding UN Climate Change Conference in Copenhagen 2009 (Adobe pdf)
Social NGOs (including UEF) Stakeholder Statement (Microsoft word)
A position paper on renewable bioenergy from the forest (Adobe pdf)
Statement regarding EU Forest Action Plan (Adobe pdf)
Resolution on Multifunctional Forestry - a multiple benefit for the... (Adobe pdf)