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UNECE / FAO Forest Communicators Network – Annual Meeting

Friday, June 01 , 2018 4316

This annual meeting took place from 22nd to 24th of May 2018 in Wageningen (Netherlands) at the University Forum Building.

21 members of the FCN-Network from Europe, Brazil (Guest) and Northern America participated.

On behalf of UEF, our Secretary Thomas Baschny attended the meeting from 22nd to 23rd of May 2018. He presented the annual report about the activities and achievements of the FCN Sub Group Forest Pedagogics and he implemented the UEF position in the discussions.

The FCN network started 1992 in Rio de Janeiro with the overall objective to help the Forest Sector to communicate. Actual the network consists of 200 members from 40 Countries. (40 Governmental Organizations and NGO´s)


Highlights are the organization of the European Forest Week in 2008 (Italy), 2013 (Finland), 2015 (Switzerland), 2017 (Poland) and 2019 (Russian Federation) and the organization of the yearly Day of Forests (21st of March)

The FCN received a new mandate for two years (01st of January 2018 – 31st of December 2019)


Kai Lintunen from the Finish Forest Association was elected as new Chairman of FCN. The former long term Chairman Ingwald Gschwandtl (Austrian Federal Ministry for Sustainability and Tourism) will be retired in 2019 and is not any more available as Chairman or Board member.


The FAO finalized a Forest Communication Toolkit. This kit is available for all users for free with key messages, photos and presentations – also useful for Foresters. have a look using this link:

The International day of forests on 21st of March 2019 will be under the title “Forest and Education”. A lot of activities (especially in Geneva) in Europe are foreseen.

The World Forest Congress will take place in 2019 in Brazil.

The European Forest Week 2019 will take place in October or November in Russia.


During the two days - meeting, the participants shared their experience, ideas and further plans on communication. Short workshops collected the ideas and further steps.

So important things are to promote sustainable forest management, using wood and other products made of wood, the better (positive) image of Foresters and of our sector. In addition, cooperations with other sectors are necessary.


The next FCN meeting 2019 will take place in Krasnojarsk (Sibira – Russia).

On 24th of May 2018 the hosts (ESP Ecosystem Service Partnership) offered a field trip to the Amsterdam forests (Amsterdam Bos).


All participants underlined that actual Foresters in Europe have a “bad image”!

This topic will be discussed during the UEF Governing Council Meeting in Italy in September.


Thomas Baschny, UEF Secretary.

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