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The Polish forests host again international UEF forestry students camp

Friday, July 13 , 2018 6758

The new edition of the UEF forestry work camp has already started in Poland at the beginning of July. Antonin Forest District hosts again an international group of young foresters, this time coming from 14 countries. Students from Canada, England, Czech Republic, Macedonia, Estonia, Italy, Lithuania, Wales, Poland, Croatia, Greece, South Sudan, Spain and Denmark arrived in Poland on Sunday the 8th of July and have begun their participation in a unique program of practical forestry.


Thanks to the organizers and founders of the camp- The Union of European Foresters (UEF), The Polish State National Forest Holding (PGL LP) and the Polish Association of Foresters and Wood Technologists (SITLiD), students will discover and study about the Polish forestry. In the coming days, the participants will find out how the woodlands in Poland are protected from fires, get the overlook of the breeding programs by visiting nurseries, as well as they will learn about game management in Poland by observing game animals during early morning meetings in the forest.


The basic idea of the summer camp is to teach the students about forestry, organizing for them meetings with forestry experts and involving them in the forestry services. Thanks to it they will get a practical forestry knowledge. The program of the two weeks camp is going to cover many different topics. The main are sylviculture and wood harvesting, where students will conduct field measurements, will use devices to calculate the volume of harvested wood, as well as will get to know about the Polish classification of wood assortments and sale system.


The other activities are going to be focused on the nature protection and game management. In the coming days the students will visit also a Forest Culture Center in Gołuchów, to learn about the history of forestry as well as will travel to Jarocin, Syców and Kalisz Forest Districts to broaden their knowledge about the management of the forest.


Apart from studding about the forestry through the practical forestry, the camp is a great opportunity to learn about the forestry in participants’ countries. Every day will start with a panel meeting where the students will present the management of forests in their countries and will discus the differences and similarities. At the end of the work camp we are going to ask the students about their memories and ideas about the Polish forestry.

Let us hope the students will get an unforgettable experience, as well as they will know each other to create a great international foresters cooperation.


Tomasz Maćkowiak and UEF Presidency


Photos: Beata Nadolna Antonin Forest District

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