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Next FAO COFO 24 in Rome Italy 16-20 July 2018

Sunday, May 13 , 2018 4616

UEF informs you that he 24th session of COFO and the 6th World Forest Week will explore the contributions that forests can make to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The Committee will examine what contributions forests can make to achieving the SDGs and other internationally agreed goals; explore ways and means to accelerate progress, in particular, towards Goal 15; discuss actions for implementing the policy recommendations of the Committee on World Food Security regarding the contributions of forests to food security and nutrition; review opportunities and challenges for urban and peri-urban forestry; consider the implementation of FAO’s climate change strategy and specific tasks related to forest resilience, health and forest fires; and provide strategic direction for the future work of FAO in forestry.


The collaboration of the FAO Technical Committees will also continue and will focus on the SDGs, climate change and food security. The forthcoming sessions of COFO and the other technical committees will provide vital opportunities to strengthen policy and programme coordination and to contribute to greater synergies at the organizational level.


For the sixth time, COFO will be held in conjunction with the World Forest Week - a series of meetings and events sponsored by FAO and its partner organizations and institutions. The World Forest Week is an opportunity for sharing state-of-the-art knowledge and major accomplishments and achievements.


UEF is supporting the FAO works and regularly attends FAO meetings.

We will give you more information after the COFO 24.

You can find more information following the FAO website, following this direct link:


The UEF Presidency

Related documents:
Agenda COFO 24.pdf

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