News Archive 2014 |
Jul 02, 2014 Forestry in general
6508 |
UEF ATTENDED THE LAST UNECE FAO MEETING IN ROME In the framework of Forest Europe and COFO 22
A member of the UEF Presidency attended the last meeting of the "Green economy - Decent green jobs in the forest ... |
May 29, 2014 UEF matters
6601 |
NEW DEADLINE FOR UEF GCM REGISTRATION You can register yourself until June 15th
Dear UEF members, The last registration deadline is now 15th of June 2014. Please, don't miss the nice opportunity to at ... |
Apr 02, 2014 UEF member news
6409 |
REGISTRATION FOR OUR NEXT GCM The registration for our next GCM in Nessebar, in Bulgaria is now open.
Dear members,
The registration for our next GCM is now open and available in our homepa ... |
Feb 15, 2014 UEF matters
6255 |
PROGRAMME OF THE NEXT GCM IN BULGARIA The programme of the next GCM near Burgas is ready
The UEF and the Union of Bulgarian Foresters are happy to inform you that the programme of our next GCM in the Blac ... |
Jan 27, 2014 UEF member news
6380 |
CLIMATE ENERGY 2030 COMMUNICATION the Commission released on 22 of January a new communication
Dear UEF members, the EU released a new communication about "Climate energy 2030". You'll f ... |
Jan 02, 2014 UEF member news
6403 |
HAPPY NEW YEAR 2014! The UEF Presidency and their President, Michael Diemer, wish you a happy new Year
The UEF Presidency wishes you a year full of joy, success, happiness and serenity.
We hope that we'l ... |
News Archive 2013 |
Dec 11, 2013 UEF matters
6414 |
YOUR NEW PRESIDENCY LETTER IS PUBLISHED NOW! The Presidency Letter n°16 November 2013 is available.
You can download your personal copy of the Presidency Letter n°16 in our "Documents" section in this homepage.
Us ... |
Dec 08, 2013 UEF matters
6165 |
UEF ROUND TABLE MEETING AND PRESIDENCY MEETING The new UEF Presidency had its first meeting in Brussels in November 5th.
The new UEF Presidency organized in the Forestry house in Brussels, Rue de la Loi, a Round ... |
Nov 04, 2013 UEF matters
6070 |
A NEW UEF BUSINESS CARD UEF has now its new business card to present everybody our goals and our organization.
You can now download in our homepage, in the "documents" section, the new UEF business c ... |
Sep 23, 2013 News from European Union
6347 |
THE EU COMMISSION PUBLISHED A NEW FOREST STRATEGY This document was published the 20 september 2013. UEF reacts quickly after this event UEF sent the 29th of September by E-mail a message with this $1UEF Newsletter$1 to our members and our partners in forestry all ... |
Sep 18, 2013 Forestry in general
6286 |
In the frame of the negotiation process of a Legally Binding Agreement on the Protect ... |
Sep 01, 2013 UEF matters
6144 |
XVIII TH UEF CONGRESS IN FINLAND UEF had is Congress in Saariselkä, Lapland
METO and UFAF organized a nice and fruitful Congress in Finland.
A new Presidency was elected for the next 4 ... |
Aug 06, 2013 UEF matters
5990 |
THE UEF HISTORY BOOK IS PUBLISHED NOW! "UEF; 55 years of history and stories" since 1958 is available
If you want your personnal copy of this new book, you can order it directly, sending an E-ma ... |
Jun 09, 2013 UEF matters
5812 |
LAST DAYS TO REGISTER! Our next XVIIIth Congress registration will close soon!
Please use the last opportunity to register you in order to attend our next Congress in Finland.
The ... |
Apr 20, 2013 UEF matters
5923 |
NEW PRESIDENCY LETTER N 15 You can download your new PL now!
The new number of your Presidency Letter is now available in our "Documents" section.
Go to "UEF publication ... |
Apr 11, 2013 UEF member news
5774 |
CONGRESS REGISTRATION IS NOW OPENED! You can register to attend our next Congress in Finland
The Presidecy and our guests in Finland announce you that you can register on line to attend our Congress in ... |
Mar 08, 2013 UEF member news
6075 |
SPANISH MANIFEST FOR PUBLIC FORESTS The UEF Spanish member, PROFOR, supports a manifest.
PROFOR Spain and other Spanish organizations just published a manifest for the Public forests in Spain.
... |
Feb 25, 2013 UEF member news
5793 |
FORESTRY WORKCAMP 2013 Once again UEF will support the International Forestry Workcamp 2013
Once again Union of European Foresters will support the International Forestry Workcamp that wil ... |
Feb 14, 2013 Forestry in general
6071 |
THIRD SESSION OF THE INC-FORESTS 3 The UEF Vice President Piotr Grygier participated in the Third Session
The UEF Vice President Piotr Grygier participated in the Third Session of the Intergovernmen ... |
News Archive 2012 |
Dec 26, 2012 UEF member news
5813 |
HAPPY NEW YEAR 2013! The UEF Presidency members wish you a happy new year!
Dear members and UEF homepage visitors, the UEF Presidency members wish you a very happy new year 2013!
... |
Nov 05, 2012 UEF matters
5902 |
PRESIDENCY MEETING IN MADRID The UEF Presidency had a nice meeting in Spain
The Presidency could met the PROFOR Spain board in Madrid, in the forest school where the meeting was held.Impo ... |
Sep 27, 2012 Forestry in general
6127 |
SECOND SESSION OF THE INC FOR A LBA Member of the UEF Presidency participated in the Second meeting of the INC
The UEF Secretary Thomas Baschny took part in the Second Session of the Intergovernmental ... |
Jul 09, 2012 UEF member news
5988 |
MEETING OF THE ADVISORY GROUP ON FORESTRY AND CORK Our Vice president Michael Diemer attended this meeting in Brussels
The UEF Vice-president Michael Diemer took part in the regular meeting of the Advisory Group on ... |
Jul 09, 2012 UEF member news
5898 |
WORKSHOP ON THE NEW EU FOREST STRATEGY Michael Diemer, Vice President of UEF, attended this meeting in Brussels
Michael Diemer participated in the workshop on the new EU Forest Strategy of the Standing F ... |
Jul 09, 2012 UEF member news
5902 |
UNECE-FAO FOREST COMMUNICATORS NETWORK Our UEF Secretary Thomas Baschny participated in the meeting
The Secretary of Union of European Foresters Thomas Baschny participated in the Meeting of the UNECE-FA ... |