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XVI Congress 2005 Freising, Germany

14 - 19 June 2005

Program | Agenda | Minutes | Photos



1. Opening of the statutory Congress by Prof. Piotr Paschalis (President of UEF), roll-call of delegates and approval of the list of delegates, announcement of the number of members present and entitled to vote, election of President of Congress and his or her debut, election of two minute-takers, who shall also count the votes

2. Adoption of the agenda, adoption of the election rules

3. Report from the Presidency on the Past Term, by the President Prof. Piotr Paschalis and the Vice-Presidents,
Financial Report, by the Treasurer, André Grochowski;
Auditors’ report on final audits, discharge of the Presidency

4. UEF’s Action Plan for the New Term,
Motions put forward by the member organisations, each accompanied by a statement from the Presidency:
• Initiative of creating a network of foresters around Europe, who are interested in education by foresters („nature-interpretation” or „Waldpädagogik”) with a short introduction by Thomas Baschny, Austria
• Creating of a permanent Exchange facility for forest students within a cooperation project
• Cooperation with other European Forestry organisations; budget guidelines for the coming four fiscal years, approval of budget for the coming fiscal year

5. Resolution of the Congress (Presentation by Alex Christodoulou, Secretary);
Discussion and approval

6. Election of the Presidency Members:
• President
• Three Vice-Presidents
• Secretary
• Assistant Secretary
• Treasurer
• Two Auditors

7. Applications for new memberships

8. Certification – State of the art

9. Next UEF Congress

10. Next Governing Council Meeting

11. Other Matters – Miscellaneous

12. Official Closing of the XVI Congress


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