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Building the Bioeconomy together: How renewable materials can make Europe an industrial leader

Friday, November 04 , 2022 1744

The UEF member organization SITLiD (Polish Association of Foresters and Wood Technologies) in partnership with the Confederation of German Forest Owners‘ Associations (AGDW – Die Waldeigentümer), the French Forestry Cooperatives Organisation (UCFF), the Finnish Forest Industries, the Association of the Austrian Wood Industries and the Swedish Future of Forestry organizes a seminar: "Building the Bioeconomy together: How renewable materials can make Europe an industrial leader".

The event focuses on how wood-based products and smart forestry management can contribute to making Europe a sustainable industrial leader and at the same time contributing to biodiversity, a circular economy and combating climate change. The event will take place on 10 November 2022, 09:00 - 10:45 CET at Stanhope Hotel, Rue du Commerce 9, 1000 Brussels.


The programme for the seminar and registration form are availabe at:

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