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Meeting of the CDG on forestry and cork in Brussels 28.11.2018

Tuesday, December 04 , 2018 3964


The Civil Dialogue Group on Forestry and Cork have had its second meeting in 2018 on 28 November in Brussels.

L. Ackzell (COGECA), M Larsson (CEPI) and K. Perlman (EEB) have been elected as chair and co-chairs of the group. Congratulations on behalf of UEF!

The dicussed topics were more or less all dealing with the influence of Climate change on Forestry and within the agenda an overview about the actual activities of EC was given.

Beside the Bioeconomy, the Biodiversity Strategy, the cascading use of biomass and the ecosystem services especially the new role of Forestry in the CAP, the EU actions addressing extreme events and the brandnew 2050 Strategy for long-term EU greenhouse gas emissions reductions were discussed.


The UEF Presidency.

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