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Presidency meeting and work shop about EU strategy in Brussels

Wednesday, November 28 , 2018 4081


A third Presidency Meeting during the year 2018, after the one in Warsaw in April and another in Cosenza in Italy. was held in Brussels on 25/26 November 2018.

The meeting started on the European Forestry House at 11H on 25 November 2018, with all the members of the UEF Presidency.

The main issues discussed during the meeting were related to the next UEF GCM in Maienfeld (Switzerland) in June 2019, all the meetings UEF attended these last months, with a report from each UEF delegate. Coming meetings with a UEF delegate were also a topic discussed during the meeting, as well as the following meetings and activities of the Presidency .

After an evening break, a UEF work shop was organized in order to prepare and produce a UEF position paper about the midterm review of the European strategy.

The draft of a position paper was discussed and adopted to be published as soon as possible.


The UEF Presidency


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