Aims of UEF | Activities of UEF | Constitution of UEF | UEF Contacts

Activities of UEF

UEF's Activities

  • UEF promotes contacts between different foresters associations in Europe and exchange of informations, courses and personal meetings. UEF thus encouraged numerous meetings between European foresters and initiated regular visits of young foresters to different European countries, and exchange programs between foresters. UEF's role is to provide advice and information for organising such meetings. She relies on the support of the official bodies in the various countries and the assistance of local fore sters.


  • UEF submits proposals and implements actions to help solving the current problems of the European forests. For that purpose she has established links with:
    - the Commission of the European Communities in Brussels,
    - the European Parliament in Brussels and Strasbourg
    - the Council of Europe (NGO)
    - the National governments


  • UEF has cooperated to define proposals that contributed to the European forest policies since years and years.


  • UEF is a member of all the Consultative Committees and expert groups on Forestry and Forest based Industries of the EU Commission:
  • Expert group on Forest Based Industries
  • Advisory group on Forestry and cork
  • 2020 new DG ENVI expanded EUTR/FLEG expert group (in extenso: Commission Expert Group / Multi-Stakeholder Platform on Protecting and Restoring the World's Forests, including the EU Timber Regulation and the Forest Law Enforcement, Governance and Trade (FLEGT) Regulation).
  • 2020 new DG ENVI multi-stakeholder platfrom on deforestation and forest degradation.


  • UEF has the observer status as non-governmental organization (NGO) in the Council of Europe.


  • UEF participates in the Expert Level of the Ministerial Conference on the protection of forests in Europe ("Helsinki-Conference").


  • UEF has undertaken specific action in the following sectors:
    - forestry education in each European country aimed at ensuring coordination between the different countries (organization of study trips abroad and of individual training for forestry students)
    - forestry activities and nature protection (UEF - resolution 30/08/81)
    - European Union: establishing close connections resulting in recognition of UEF by the EU-Commission
    - conserted action to promote a national forestry policy in European countries
    - role of forests in the Mediterranean countries
    - forest deterioration due to pollution and fires

We are the foresters and we are all working for a common purpose. Each member country may have unique forestry problems and the UEF is the ideal forum to discuss those problems on a European basis and so have a united voice and united support.

The UEF recognizes that forestry has always been a multifunctional activity but with the emphasis between the different functions varying in time and place. The factors influencing the variation of emphasis include :
- the composition of the forest, society's needs and above all ownership
- the different functions range from being mutually supporting through complementary and competing to conflicting.

The Union of the European Foresters therefore proposes that all members adopt the following aims:

- to manage forests for sustainability
- to manage forests for multipurpose and biodiversity,
- to manage forests for profitability.

The UEF accepts that there are particular differences in such emphasis both between and within the countries of the European continent.

The UEF recognizes that the wider attainment of sustai nability as well as the further pursuit of non-economic func tion in Europe's forests may need further substantial public funding.

The UEF recognizes the global climatic changes taking place, primary due to the increasing levels of carbon and also recognises the importance of the ability of both trees and timber to lock up carbon, and would therefore urge the planting of more trees and greater use of timber in the next centuries.

The UEF is concerned about the increasing levels of emissions notably sulphurdioxide, nitrogenoxides, and carbondioxide, and would urge governments to continue to find ways of reducing emissions.

It is also recognised that there is need of reafforesting damaeged areas with correct species from specific sites.
The UEF. encourages all foresters to exploit opportunities to finance in a logical way  the constantly rising demand for recreation and all social functions of the forests.

It is recognized that forest enterprises must cooperate with other enterprises which are willing to sponsor these social benefits.

The UEF asks the European Commission to  develop a real forest policy for all national members and will cooperate in workshops and committees to meet this aim.



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