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A successful joint RTM at the European Forestry House

Sunday, October 15 , 2023 1501

As it became a tradition in the last years, a joint Round Table Meeting was organized in close collaboration between UEF, EUSTAFOR and FECOF.

More than 40 representatives of the European forest owners, managers, and forest professionals gathered together on 10 of October in the European Forestry House to discuss the topic of the Forest-related reporting at the EU level – what we know and what’s missing?

The aim of the RTM was to discuss the demand for new forest data vs what is already available. The topic was addressed from five different perspectives - EU-level policy-making perspective; Forest resilience perspective; Wood-working industries perspective; Existing forest monitoring perspective and the Forest-related assessments.

The participants in the RTM was welcomed by Tomasz Markiewicz – the new UEF President who underlined the importance of the topic and that discussions between all stakeholders in the forestry sector are important for the achievement of our mutual goals.

Moderator of the meeting was Mr Harald Mauser, EFI Liaison Officer Brussels.

Presentations ware given by Amila Meskin, EUSTAFOR, Bernhard Wolfslehner, European Forest Institute, FOREST EUROPE Support Team; Diego Benedetti, Economic and Policy Adviser, EOS; Johannes Breidenbach, NIBIO, Norwegian Institute of Bioeconomy Research; Klemens Schadauer, ENFIN, BFW Austria; Joachim Maes, European Commission, DG REGIO/JRC and Mr Harald Mauser, EFI Liaison Officer Brussels

A discussion on the actual needs of EU policy making regarding forest information, followed the presentations.

The meeting was wrapped up by Piotr Borkivski – Executive Director of EUSTAFOR who underlined the importance not only of the quantity of data, but also its quality and the methodologies used. He stressed also that the realistic assessment of the obtained information is of equal importance for the quality forest related reporting.

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