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XXI UEF Governing Council Meeting in Calabria Italy: the tasteful experience

Sunday, October 07 , 2018 5292

CONAF (Consiglio dell’Ordine Nazionale dei Dottori Agronomi e dei Dottori Forestali) invited all members of the UEF in Italy, Calabria region, to the XXI Governing Council Meeting 2018.

This GCM took place in the National Park of Sila, from Thursday 27th to Sunday 30th of September 2018, near Cosenza, in the mountain village Camigliatello Silano. It was a surprise to discover this "little Scandinavia" in the very Southern part of Europe and Italy, with mountain forest landscape in a skiing resort.


The Governing Council Meeting took place at the “Cupone Visit Center” of the National Park of Sila, in the surroundings of Spezzano della Sila.

All guests were hosted in very nice conditions in the “Tasso Hotel” in Camigliatello Silano, 10 km far from the Visit Center, , with a really warm Italian welcoming.


The GCM allowed all the delegates of the 16 organizations members from 14 countries to have an overview of the activities and projects of the UEF, with a lot of information from the Presidency.

You can download all the presentations on our Meeting section , by using this direct link:,6


An International seminar about " SUSTAINABLE FOREST MANAGEMENT FOR DEVELOPMENT AND PROMOTION OF ECOSYSTEM SERVICES" was also organized during the GCM. More information and all the presentations soon to be found on our web site.


A fieldtour on the national park Sila allowed every participant to discover the Calabrian mountain landscape and especially the really wonderful "Gigante della Sila", a very old protected Pinus nigra calabrica forest.


As promised, it was a really tasteful experience, organized by our Italian colleagues from CONAF-Italia and the regional order of agronomists and foresters of Calabria.


Around Mattia Busti, Lina Pecora, Roberto Sabatino and the President Francesco Cufari, the local organization comitee organized in a perfect way a fruitful Governing Council Meeting in Italy, as President Michael Diemer said during the farewell dinner.


Next year, for the first time, our GCM will be in Switzerland not far from Liechtenstein, in Maienfeld.


The UEF Presidency



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